Opening exhibition “Eco colony 2018.” in Kotor

On Saturday the 15th of September in the art gallery of the cultural center “Nikola Đurković” in Kotoru a exhibition “Eco colony 2018.” was formally opened. The works of art where created as part of the project called “Eco colony 2018.” that is financed thru the RYCO (Regional Youth Cooperation Office). The colony was held in the month of June in the breathtaking nature park Blidinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which youth from 4 countries in the region painted 80 works of art of which 35 are showcased in the gallery in Kotor. The goal of the project is to give young people an opportunity for intercultural learning, bettering their skills as well as developing intercultural dialog and tolerance in order to reduce hate speech, negative stereotypes in society and reduce prejudices between youth from the region. At the end of the exhibitions the works of art will be sold thru auction with all funding going to children with handicap. Specially for this opening 20 young people from the region came to Kotor to join youth from NGO Our action, and here they had a chance to enjoy the cultural, historical and natural heritage of the Bay. Partners in the project NGO Eko ZH from Bosnia and Herzegovina and NGO Our action invite you to enjoy the exhibition that will be in the Kotor gallery until the 21st of September, after which time it will move to Podgorica. The gallery is open from 7am until #youth #RYCO #NVONasaakcija #EkoZH #Ekokolonija2018

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