Eko kamp Velika plaza, Ulcinj 2020

U znak obiljezavanja 5. juna, Svetskog dana zastita zivotne sredine, NVO Nasa akcija organizovala je eko kamp za mlade na Velikoj plazi u Ulcinju. Kamp je deo projekta Mladi za cist Jadran koji je financiran kroz Beyond plastic Med i fondaciju Princ Albert II od Monaka. Na kampu mladi su imali priliku da od predstavnika JU Morsko dobro nauce o znacaju pjescanih dina u zastiti plaze i ovog lokalnog ekosistema. Odradjena je i akcija ciscenja jedne dine na kojoj su se nalazili veliki nanosi plasticnog otpada, a zavrsene su instalacije od drvnog materiala sakupljenog sa plaze u sklopu Interreg – IPA CBC projecta „Welcome“ ciji rezultati ce biti objavljeni naknadno. Naravno pored eko aktivnosti mladi su naucili da postave i sastave kamp, i uzivali u prirodi, plazi, kupanju i druzenju. NGO Our action celebrated the 5th of June – World environmental day by organizing an eco camp for youth on the Long beach in Ulcinj. The camp is part of the ongoing project „Youth for a clean Adriatic“ funded by the Beyond plastic Med and the foundation of Prince Albert II of Monaco. Our youth members had an opportunity to learn about sand dunes on the beach and the importance of their preservation for beach protection, the pine forests in the back and the ecosystem of the entire area from the representatives of JU Morsko dobro. Additionally we had a clean up activity of a sand dune that was completely covered by plastic waste that the sea had brought to this location, and we finished two sculptures from driftwood collected from the beach as part of the Interreg – IPA CBC project „Welcome“, of which results will be announced at a later date. Of course besides our eco activities youth had an opportunity to learn about setting up and living at camp, and enjoyed nature, the beach, swimming and having fun. #nekabudecisto #stopplasticpollution #initiativesbemed #montenegro #BeMed #BeMedMontenegro #YouthforacleanAdriatic #MladizacistJadran #NVONasaAkcija #NGOOurAction #Breakfreefromplastic #TrashtagMontenegro #OcistiME #ZeroWasteMontenegro Beyond Plastic Med – BeMed #očistimocrnugoru #coastalcleanup #oceanconservancy #beachcleanup
