Action cleaning Ribnica

At the invitation of our friends from the Sastavci Beach Bar, a new member of the Culture club family, we organized an action of cleaning the shore at Sastavci as well as the currently dry Ribnica riverbed. In addition to the young volunteer force of the NGO Our action, friends of the Sastavci Beach Bar, members of the Green Home and other citizens also responded. We are all aware of what Ribnica looked like in the winter and when the water receded a lot of waste, especially plastic and other packaging, as well as plastic bags remained in the riverbed. A total of 23- 120 litter bags, remnants of various wooden furniture as well as tires were collected. This activity, as well as all others within which we clean the banks of rivers, lakes and the sea, are part of the project “Youth for a Clean Adriatic” under the auspices of BeMed and the Prince Albert II Foundation of Monaco. Also a big thank you to our hosts Beach Bar Sastavci especially for the snack they prepared for the volunteers.
#NVONasaakcija #NGOOuraction #BeMed
#Mladizacistjadran #Youthforacleanadriatic
#Kotor #ecology #BeyondplasticMed #EUBeachCleanup