Volunteer support for the Winter Kotor Carnival

After the break caused by the corona virus, the NGO Naša Akcija has finally returned to the field with its team to support the Kotor Winter Carnival. A team of 20 young people from Kotor, Tivat and Podgorica joined this chilly morning to help the event. As generations are constantly changing in our country, this was the first opportunity for many young volunteers to attend or participate in the carnival. All praise and a big thank you to the organizers TO Kotor, and the realized activity is part of the program Nature for the mental and physical health of young people, which is supported by the European endowment for democracy.


Volunteer support for the arrangement of the city garden in Podgorica

On Saturday, February 26, we again joined our friends from the NGO Paradigm. On the ground, we participated in the first planting with volunteers to help build the first urban garden at the Tološka forest location in Podgorica. The garden aims to grow food, develop and strengthen communities. As this is exactly what the NGO Naša Akcija is doing through its program Nature for the mental and physical health of young people, it was our pleasure to help develop this wonderful idea.


Mapping of street dogs in the municipality of Tivat

NVO Prijatelji pasa organizovali su juče u projektnoj saradnji sa NVO Naša akcija mapiranje uličnih pasa na potezu Donji Đuraševići, Krašić, Radovići. Nažalost ovi napušteni psi nemaju veću vidljivost u javnosti, tj. da budu udomljeni, ali kroz projekat koji sprovode partneri iz NVO Prijatelji pasa će se to u budućnosti mijenjati na bolje! Naši mladi volonteri su em uživali u lijepom subotnjem danju, em su učinili dobro djelo💛


Walking tour for young people in the north of Montenegro.

After the work action in Tivat, for the week of January 31st, we organized an educational walking tour in Šavnik and Žabljak for young people, most of whom have not seen these crossings of Montenegro. Young people had the opportunity to see Durmitor and Black Lake, and then to walk to the very beginning of the Nevidio Canyon and the Skakavica waterfall. We implemented this activity as part of the “Nature for the Physical and Mental Health of Youth” program financed by the European Endowment for Democracy.

We believe that in addition to health benefits, the benefits of such activities are the introduction of young people to their own country, as well as socializing and meeting young people from other parts of the country.


Grabovac planting campaign and visit to Pržna cove

On Saturday, January 29, the NGO Naša Akcija joined its colleagues from the Tivat Youth Club in a planting campaign at the Grabovac location organized by the Municipality of Tivat. In the cold and very strong wind, we planted 150 pomegranates and dogwoods together with other volunteers, most of them from the volunteer fire brigades of Tivat and the Rescue Protection Service, on quite difficult terrain. After the action, we spent the rest of this sunny and beautiful day in the bay of Pržna, the next protected area in the municipality of Tivat.

We implemented this activity as part of the “Nature for the Physical and Mental Health of Youth” program, financed by the European Endowment for Democracy. They would also like to thank the restaurant “Izvor” from Radovići, which rewarded the volunteers with drinks and food after the action.


Walking and educational visit to Goražde fortress

As part of the “Nature for the Physical and Mental Health of Young People” program, NGO Naša Akcija used the first opportunity after the holidays for an educational walk and a visit to the Goražde Fortress. Even before the pandemic, excursions that focus on learning about the cultural heritage of Montenegro were replaced by visits to various shopping centers, and through such field-educational activities, we want to break that trend with our young people. It is unlikely that young people will commit to defending and protecting such rare locations if they are not familiar with them. Of course, it is always an additional benefit to have the opportunity to enjoy one of the phenomenal sunsets over Boka Kotor.
This activity was financed by the European endowment for democracy.
