Workshop “Youth teaching youth: Why be a volunteer?”
On Saturday, February 10, in Nautica (within the Cultural Center “Nikola Djurkovic”) a workshop titled “Youth teaching Youth: Why Be a Volunteer?” was held. Present at the gathering where youth lecturers from NGO Our action, as well as Katarina Vukacinovic in front of the Youth Club Budva / Youth Office Budva, and Ana Asanin in front of the Youth Club Tivat. The attendees were the pupil of grade school “Savo Ilic” and “Ivo Vizin”, Kotor high school, representatives of the Office for the Prevention of Drug Addiction Kotor, the Budva 2020 Foundation, and of course we are always glad to have with us Mr. Ilko Markovic in front of Red Cross Kotor. After the presentation, there was discussion and socializing in order to activate new volunteers and exchange ideas between municipalities.
The workshop is the first in a series of planned educational and volunteer activities for young people within the project “Education and activism for a beautiful city and a better future”. The sponsor of the project is Municipality of Kotor, and the project holder is NGO “Our Action”, which has been engaged in civic activism and volunteerism with a focus on young people since 2012.
Immediately the following day, youth volunteers (old and new members) took part in the organization of carnival activities, and held a stand for face art at the entrance gate of the old town.