International coastal clean-up, Prcanj

NGO Our action spend Saturday the 15th of September – International coastal clean-up day cleaning the coast of Prcanj in Kotor. This is the second year in a row our organization took part of this day with activities in Kotor. This year youth from NGO Euromost from Bijelo Polje joined our clean-up affords, as well as other local citizens. We collected 5m3 of waste especially at the location Glavati and near hotel Splendido. The coordinator of this day’s activity Montenegro wide is our partner organization Zero Waste Montenegro and our focus is of course what is most polluting our sea – plastic that makes up 80% of the world waste in the sea. NGO Our action realized this project thru the support of the Municipality of Kotor project “Thru education and activism to a beautiful city and a better future”. We were also supported by the Waste management company of Kotor, and the Prcanj township representatives who provided the group with valuable historical information regarding Prcanj thru the educational speech of Admiral Zbutega.

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SUP board clean-up of Gurdic and river Skurda

On Monday, 6th of august two youth volunteers of our NGO – Petar Raicevic and Slavo Bozovic completed the clean-up of Gurdic and river Skurda. The activity was complete on SUP boards made out of plastic bottles that we build with our partners The Whale Company. Our boys were joined by friend of our NGO Marijan Santic who assisted with the clean-up and pictures. Besides the water the walls of the where cleaned of weeds. Thanks to Petar, Slavo and Marijan for a great activity

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Perast coastal and seabed clean-up 4.8.2018

On Saturday 4th of august the Perast coastal and sea bed clean-up was completed. 5m3 of waste was collected plus two 1m3 waste containers where extracted from the bottom of the Perast aquarium. The action was realized by the youth of NGO Our action, Kotor Art members under the sponsorship of the Municipality of Kotor and the Tourist organization Kotor. We were supported by local divers and fisherman, folks from the beach and other swimmers, as well as the Waste management company Kotor and the company Cogi Mar doo that provides the big float for every such activity we organize. A bit thank you to all participants. We will see each other again for International coastal clean-up day on September 15th.

Volunteer support for Ocean Lava Montenegro 2018

From the 11th till the 13th of May NGO Our action (NVO Nasa akcija) supported the Ocean Lava Montenegro 2018 triathlon. Starting from the registration table and informational point, to the refreshment stations, transition zone, traffic control and help around the swimming event and kayaks. in the sun and in the rain, we were there to asset the wonderful Igor and Marija Majer and the rest of the organizational team. Youth volunteers learned new skills, admired and got to know competitors from all corners of the world, and learned how hard it actually is to organizes an event of these proportions, as well as that anything can and will happen and how to solve problems. Without teamwork and flexibility there would be no event. Thanks to all who assisted.

We will see each other next year.

PS. Some photos were taken from the official organizer fb page since we did not have much time for selfies and photos

Eco Fest Budva – Be the change you want to see in the world!

Although it was raining at the Montenegrin coast for days, which was threatening Eco Fest Budva to be postponed, the festival was still held thanks to the enthusiasm and will of young people who responded in a great number to the invitation of the organizers. Initially planned outdoors, due to rain the festival was held in the Budva Youth Club, on the first floor of TQ Plaza, which hosted volunteers from Podgorica, Cetinje, Tivat and Kotor. Throughout the day, together with their friends from Budva, volunteers conducted a number of important activities, from making a pupil’s corner, eco workshops and screenings of the film about permaculture to the lecture "Cap for Life", journalist workshop "Reporter from the field", flash mob and dancing. The planned painting of the mural is postponed for the sunny days, when they will gather again at the location of Savičić Potok, and they will give a new life to this ruined and abandoned place. The organizers of the festival: Budva Foundation, NGO "Naša Akcija", NGO "Sedma sila mladih", Budva Youth Club and TQ Plaza, began the action by creating a corner with use of recycled materials, which will be installed in the hall of high school "Danilo Kiš". After a long time, in a pleasant and positive atmosphere, the benches were finished and the youngsters were satisfied with the successful action. Afternoon activities included educational workshops in the club. Although tired of everyday engagement, volunteers were very pleased with the Permaculture Film Screening, holding a lecture on "Every Canister Counted" and "Cap for Life". The festival has humanitarian character, because during its lifetime, TQ Plaza collected money for the treatment of 10-year- old Maša Bašić from Bijelo polje. The activities of the festival continued today in the garage of TQ Plaza, where painting of tires and pallets for the pupil's corner is under way. The atmosphere is more than interesting, and a hard working team continues to do its job in a good mood. The organizers of the festival think that such and similar activities aim at connecting and cooperation of organizations and youth from different cities and areas of activity, as well as encouraging activism. The festival was conceived as a form of informal education and motivation for future projects, which will be aimed at landscaping the territory of Budva municipality that is losing green spaces due to massive urbanization, and to creation of the environment in which young people can make their "sanctuaries" and enjoy them. Goran Marinovic, president of the Budva Foundation, said that the goal of the festival was to send a clear message that young people are a new energy that is awake and promised that the painting of the mural will show in the following days that with a small intervention and great will, one completely passé space can be transformed. Patricia Pobric, president of the NGO "Naša akcija", said that she was very satisfied with the achieved results, despite the rain that wasn’t helping. She emphasized that all organizations participating in the festival have different dynamics of operations and tasks, but that it is a pleasure to work together. "Naša akcija” is always there to provide voluntary and logistical support to other organizations, Pobric said. Katarina Vukadinović, representative of the Youth Office of the Municipality of Budva, believes that the Eco Fest should remind us of ecological sustainability and recycling, and that this is one of the most important aspects of activism. She believes that the real activism begins only after getting your hands dirty and seeing the fruits of your labor. Zorica Radenovic, the president of the NGO "Sedma sila mladih", said that such actions are hope for the future of young people. She thinks that there is a worrying passivity in the society, but fortunately there are those who are willing to come from other cities despite bad weather and get down to work. "This encourages us to continue to support those who are active and socially useful, as opposed to the majority who are still" waiting for something, "concluded Radenović. Tina Crepulja, PR of TQ Plaza said she was proud of the fact that as a socially responsible company took a part in the campaign. She pointed out that the common goal is to enrich the appearance of the city they live in. Sava Buljancevic, an activist of "Naša akcija“, said his team was quick and efficient, and that there are many good reasons why he is a member of such a hardworking team. His friend Marija Vlahović, a member of the Student's Parliament of high school "Danilo Kis" said that young people from Budva should be more active and to contribute more to the community, and that Eco Fest is a good opportunity to do so. The ending of Eco Fest campaign is will include a travel exhibition of photographs and accompanying materials that will be presented at TQ Plazi in mid-May, and later will be organized in schools and cultural institutions that would like to support the project and motivate the Budva’s young people to do similar actions. Collaborators on the project "Eco Fest Budva" are: Tourist Organization of Budva, Union of Montenegro high schools, Eco school "Danilo Kis", Student’s Parliament of high school “Danilo Kis”, LTD “Klikovac”, restaurant “Kuzina” and hotel “Palma” Jaz. Prepared by: Reporters of “Krug mladih

Volunteer support UpShift project “For a beautiful Vranjine”

On Saturday, the 28th of April volunteers of NGO Our action assisted in the call for action for the project called “For a beautiful Vranjine” that is being realized thru the UNICEF UpShift program. Finances for this project where awarded to Jana Raičević, Petar Raičević, Isabella Pobric and Lazar Marovic. This, third part of the project, focused on the beautification of the small fishing village by renewing facades and outdoor look of houses in this village whose citizens are primarily socially disadvantaged groups and retirees that suffered allot of damage during this winters and spring floods. The action lasted from 9am until 5pm under a very hot sun, and finished with a refreshing swim in lake Skadar after the action. To all volunteers a great thank you for once again supporting the third activity of the project of these wonderful young leaders, hence making the activity successful.

Volunteer activity Gornja Lastva, Tivat

NGO Cultural-heritage society NAPREDAK from Gornja Lastva and NGO Our action (Nasa akcija) from Kotor organized a volunteer day (volunteer action) on the 29th of April, during which public spaces in the center of Gornja Lastva was cleaned and organized. Achievements from this day where: the clearing and organization of steps and pathways, grass and hey collected from the terraced fields along the main municipality building, the old mill walls as well as adjacent buildings where cleared of greenery and other rubbish, the interior of the mill was refreshed and reorganized as well as the adjacent building, and the pathways where cleared from roof tiling debris. Following the clean-up activity the NGO’s held a outdoor educational class with young people discussing the need of public space protection, as well as the roll of youth in protecting heritage cites, and their views on public spaces, youth and heritage. Additionally volunteers had a chance to have some fun and do some swimming. Over 30 participants joint this activity. Volunteer days was organized as part of the project named StroNGO which has a goal of strengthening civil society in the Bay of Kotor. Leading partner in the project is NGO Expeditio, while the rest of the 4 partners are Our action (Nasa akcija) from Kotor, Urban Nova from Herceg Novi, cultural-heritage society NAPREDAK from Gornja Lastva in Tivat, and Agora from Budva. The project is being realized thru the IPA 2014 Civil Society Facility Montenegro program managed by the delegation of the European Union. To all participants a great big thank you for a very successful action.

Report: Workshop “Youth teaching youth: Why be a volunteer?”

On Saturday, 10th of February in Nautika (part of the cultural center “Nikola Djurkovic” in Kotor) the workshop titled “Youth teaching youth: Why be a volunteer?” was held. At the gathering the speakers where youth from NGO Our action, Katarina Vukadinovic in front of the Youth club Budva/Office for youth, and Ana Asanin in front of the Youth club Tivat. The workshops was attended by the students from the local elementary schools “Savo Ilic” and “Ivo Vizin” as well as the Kotor high school, representatives or the Office for prevention of dependency, foundation Budva 2020, as well as the representative of the Kotor Red Cross Ilko Markovic. Following the workshop the youth had a chance to meet and discuss ideas and exchange experiences. This was the first in a row of workshops planned for youth in Kotor as part of the project “Thru education and activism for a better town and brighter future”.

The sponsor of this project is the Municipality of Kotor. Immediately the day after the workshop young volunteers had the opportunity to participate in the organization of the Kotor winter carnival, as well as participate in face art stand. As a sign of gratitude our organization created a new little library in the open, the second such library for Kotor, and donated it to the cultural center for further use.

Action Gorica, support for the “Mediterranean garden” project

On Saturday, the 24th of February, we again joined the team from Udruzenje ljubitelja Gorice in their realization of their project “Mediterranean garden:. Youth volunteers, this time lead by our youth coordinator Lazar Marovic, had the task of removing access shrubbery and green material, as well as collect large rocks and stones from the future garden location. Working together, volunteers from all ages joined as our friends from NGO Nase doba and the Scout group Njegos vas also present. Thanks to everyone for their help and afford during this event

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Workshop “Youth teaching youth: Why be a volunteer?”

On Saturday, February 10, in Nautica (within the Cultural Center “Nikola Djurkovic”) a workshop titled “Youth teaching Youth: Why Be a Volunteer?” was held. Present at the gathering where youth lecturers from NGO Our action, as well as Katarina Vukacinovic in front of the Youth Club Budva / Youth Office Budva, and Ana Asanin in front of the Youth Club Tivat. The attendees were the pupil of grade school “Savo Ilic” and “Ivo Vizin”, Kotor high school, representatives of the Office for the Prevention of Drug Addiction Kotor, the Budva 2020 Foundation, and of course we are always glad to have with us Mr. Ilko Markovic in front of Red Cross Kotor. After the presentation, there was discussion and socializing in order to activate new volunteers and exchange ideas between municipalities.

The workshop is the first in a series of planned educational and volunteer activities for young people within the project “Education and activism for a beautiful city and a better future”. The sponsor of the project is Municipality of Kotor, and the project holder is NGO “Our Action”, which has been engaged in civic activism and volunteerism with a focus on young people since 2012.

Immediately the following day, youth volunteers (old and new members) took part in the organization of carnival activities, and held a stand for face art at the entrance gate of the old town.

As a sign of gratitude for the excellent support of the NGO “Our action” by the Cultural center “Nikola Djurkovic”, the youth also finished the new small open-air library and donated it to the municipality for further use.