Decoration of the yard and building of a playground Virpazar
NGO „Naša akcija“ had honor to be a part of German NGO „KuKuk Kulture“ and their project that was implemented in elementary school „Jovan Tomašević“ in Virpazar, with financial support of ERASMUS programme. This project in Montenegro was done through partnership with Parents Council of school „Jovan Tomašević“, school managment and their fantastic director Miodrag Šćepanović, and company „Balkan tour“.
Project begun on 9th and was finished on 15 July, with focus on youth/volunteers from Germany, local community and NGO „Naša akcija“, that with their own hands and long hours of working during very hot days, managed to finish all work with guideness of a leader „KuKuk Kulture“ organization. Except of a building the playground, work included decoration of the green areas, planting, painting of a mural and smaller repairs of interior of the school. Kids managed to have a good time in their free afterwork hours in the evening, so apart of a fantastic experience, they all got new friends.
Action was supported by LTD „Voli“, restaurant „Voda u kršu“, Tourist organization of Bar, Montenegrin orthodox church, restaurant „Pelikan“ and „Badanj“, LTD „Elko tim“, hotel „Vir“, National parks of Montenegro and many other local business. By the words of director, all this would not be possible without help of Brankica Gazević, who is president of Parents Council, and her husband, that did great work in organizational part of this project. This was a great experiance for our small NGO, we learned alot, made new friends, but we also contributed to this project with donations of our benches, decorative details for kindergarten and reflector light for better safety of the school.