Youth planting action, Bašta Ekologika (Part II)

A smaller team of young and hardworking people went on Sunday, February 28, in Basta Ekologiku on Mareza to finish planting the remaining 500 grapes of pedunculate oak for the needs of the Montenegrin Society of Ecologists, and the rest of the conifers for planting on the coast. With that, we have finished planting the cranberries that we planned for 2021. Thank you Aca and Basti Ekologica once again for the education, invitation and hospitality. Soon together in new green activities.
This work action was organized within the program “Nature for the physical and mental health of young people” and was funded by the European endowment for democracy.
#NVONasaakcija #NGOOuraction #EuropeanEndowmentForDemocracy #Natureyouth #Youthmentalhealth