Completed eco actions on Orjen through the project “YOUth drive”

Completed eco actions on Orjen through the YOUth drive project In the past few days, two eco actions for young people were held on the sunny slopes of Orjen. The first action was carried out by primary school students and the second by high school students from the Boka Kotorska area who applied in order to contribute to the preservation of the environment as well as to raise awareness of the need to preserve nature of this importance. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the mountain and this new terrain, get a short training on the mountain, forest protection and nature. After the training, the actions of cleaning illegal landfills at several locations along the paths and roads of this area were completed. The field part was followed by socializing and enjoying the charms of the mountains and homemade food of the mountain lodge “Za vratlom” with the distribution of school equipment and T-shirts to all participants. The project within the IPA cross-border cooperation program Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro, funded by the European Union with more than 232,000 EUR. The project partners are non-governmental organizations, the Association for Development, Environment and Culture EKO ZH from Široki Brijeg, Bosnia and Herzegovina as the project holder, and the NGO Naša akcija from Kotor. European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina European Union in Montenegro #CBCBIHMNE # NVONasaakcija # NGOOuraction # cbcbihmne # cross-border cooperation # YOUthDrive #European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina #European Union in Montenegro


English language chat.

The NGO Naša akcija continues with an English language chat and work with young people during the summer. documentary ecological film evenings and eco workshops for young people, NGO Naša akcija continues with education and other actions for youth. Last weekend, another English language chat was held, and a survey of young people from Kotor about their needs for space and content in our city is underway. By the end of July, two eco-actions are planned on the Orient, as well as workshops on the topic of culture and youth, and education on the topic of digitalization / security on the Internet, which will be held at the Youth Club Kotor. “We invite all young people to follow our organization’s Instagram and FB page and get involved in the summer program, actions and educational / creative workshops. New members are always welcome.”


Promotion of volunteerism

Promotion of volunteerism and surveys in order to map the needs of young people in the municipality of Kotor On Sunday, July 11, young NGO Our Action dedicated a day at the Youth Club Kotor to the promotion and importance of volunteerism for the development and life of young people in our municipality. Lectures and presentations were held in the full hall of the club, and in front, at the stand of our organization, promotional flyers were distributed, which include the benefits of volunteering for a young person. At the same time, the project coordinator Dejana Vujković compiled a survey for young people in order to map and define their needs and generally improve youth policy in the municipality of Kotor. So far, 30 young people have completed the survey. We invite young people aged 15 to 30 to join and give us their opinion and contribution in the desire to improve the conditions for young people in the city, with a special emphasis on suburban areas. The survey can be found at –…/1FAIpQLSc4Kri7CRvGHh…/viewform. With the completed survey, we plan to perform a detailed needs analysis and publish the opinion of young people.


Completed a series of workshops for making installations for KFPD

Through the final program of the project “Youth for a Clean Adriatic” funded by BeMed and the Prince Albert II Foundation of Monaco and under the auspices of the Municipality of Kotor, the NGO Naša akcija has held workshops to repair, make and set up installations for the Kotor Children’s Theater Festival. Using recyclable materials with a focus on plastics, young creatives had the opportunity to show off their skills and then ennoble public spaces with their installations. Particular interest was shown for a small open-air library and a plastic dress called “New Fashion”, because plastic seems to be the new fashion of this era. We invite all citizens to donate books for the small open-air library, which is currently located on the cinema market, and which will find its new, long-term location after the festival.

Workshop: “Youth and cultural heritage”

The first workshop “Youth and cultural heritage” was held The first in a series of workshops “Youth and cultural heritage” entitled “Attitude towards cultural monuments” was held last night at the Youth Club in Kotor. The workshop was held by a young activist of the NGO Naša akcija Tea Mandić. After the workshop, the young people had the opportunity to attend the program for the Boka Navy Day and thus get acquainted with its significance and tradition. The aim of these workshops is to strengthen the links between young people and cultural heritage through education and volunteerism, as well as the realization of goals within the UNESCO and European Union programs entitled “Engaging young people for an inclusive and sustainable Europe”. The project is supported by the Municipality of Kotor through the Youth Council and the European Endowment for Democracy. NGO Nasa akcija / NGO Our actionEuropean Endowment For Democracy UNESCO Youth Opština Kotor / Municipality of Kotor


Working weekend in the eco eduko house for young people Muo

The working weekend in the eco eduko house for young people on Muo is over. Through the “Life Skills for Youth” program supported by the European Endowment for Democracy, young volunteers from the NGO Naša akcija planted and finished garden work, dedicated themselves to cleaning the house, repairing plumbing and other parts of the house, and making pallet furniture. They were joined by the youth of the Tivat Youth Team. The house is now ready to receive young volunteers from all over Montenegro to live, work and volunteer in Kotor during the season, and is ready for workshops, education and other activities that will be held in this eco educo house during the summer.


Workshop: Healthy relationships.

Through the program “Life Skills” funded by the European endowment for democracy, the NGO Naša akcija in cooperation with the NGO Prima held a workshop on “Healthy Relationships” for the youth of Kotor and Tivat at the Youth Club Kotor.
The workshop focused on issues such as:
Is this love or fear of loneliness?
How do I know he loves me, and how do I know if he loves me too?
What is ok and what is not ok in a relationship?
How do I show love and does the loved one experience it that way?
Is my partner showing me love in the right way?
Your I in a relationship
Love is also belonging, where should individuality be preserved? i
Do you distinguish love from possessiveness ?.

In addition to the workshop, this activity provided an opportunity for young people from Tivat to visit and see the Kotor Youth Club and socialize with their peers in the area. For young people, mobility, socializing and exchanges are rare in this age of pandemics, but the possibility of connecting young people in this way in the Youth Spaces is a real opportunity that our NGOs plan to continue to use.


Successfully completed a large action of cleaning on the Vrmac mountain

As a sign of the celebration of Earth Day, the action of cleaning mountain Vrmac was completed today with incredible success. The action included cleaning fire-fighting roads and hiking trails, as well as collecting waste from the slopes of the Tivat and Kotor sides. The trail Lepetane-Orašje and Plavda-Orašje was cleaned by the teams of the Tivat Protection Service with the voluntary fire brigades from Tivat and Boka. The Pod Kuk – Gornja Lastva trail was cleaned by members of the Triathlon Club Herceg Novi and Kotor and the mountaineering club “Vjeverica”. From the big hut on the Vrmac plateau, 56 volunteers headed in 5 directions in the action of cleaning the waste, of which the most difficult location was right next to the Škaljari fortress, primarily due to the large number of tires. 10m3 of waste was collected. The volunteers were primarily young people from the NGO Naša akcija, the Tivat Youth Team and the Knightsbridge School, but were also joined by families from both cities. The action was organized by the Municipality of Tivat, the Municipality of Kotor and the NGO Naša akcija, with the support of Porto Montenegro and the Tourist Organization of Tivat, as well as utilities of both cities.
The NGO Naša akcija initiated this activity as part of the program “Nature for the mental and physical health of young people” supported by the European Endowment for Democracy.
We thank all the participants and volunteers who dedicated their day to Vrmac.


Young people complete the last phase of works in elementary school “Nikola Djurkovic”

Last weekend, 14 young volunteers of the NGO Naša akcija completed the last phase of work in the elementary school “Nikola Đurković”. In January, the first phase began with the renovation of the Mathematics classroom, then the lower large hallway of the school and the old school desks. In the months between, Naša akcija made an effort and through donations from citizens and the company Technoplus doo provided a world map, a bookshelf and CD players for the school. We also agreed with Zelenila Kotor on arranging the green areas of the school and brought the company Cerovo to negotiate with the principal about the much-needed reconstruction of the main school toilets. We hope that the school will complete the toilet reconstruction. This last phase included the renovation of the Biology / Chemistry classroom, which was completed last weekend with the arrangement of some other rooms in the school. This volunteer activity is part of the Local Action Plan for Kotor Youth and is supported by a donation of material from the Municipality of Kotor and the European Endowment for Democracy. The Directorate for the Arrangement and Construction of Kotor also jumped in with roofing material for the library and the Biology cabinet, which were leaking a lot. These works are not completely finished yet, but we expect the works to be completed soon.
