Skadar lake cleaning action

At the invitation of local NGO organizations, NGO Our action today responded to the invitation of local organizations from Virpazar and participated in the action of cleaning the Skadar lake, especially because we ourselves are focused on cleaning the shores of the sea and lakes through various projects.
This action was organized by: BrodMilica, Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group, KonobaBadanj, OcistiMe, MontagnaTravel, and UndiscoveredMontenegro, and the Youth Team Tivat and Knightsbridge School from Tivat joined.

This activity was supported through the project “Advancing the Resolute and Tangible
Environ-mental Implementation of Standards (ARTEMIS) ”, with financial support from the Balkans
Trust for Democracy, the German Marshall Fund project of the United States and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade, and the “Youth for a Clean Adriatic” project supported by BeMed and the Prince Albert II Foundation of Monaco.


Youth planting action, Bašta Ekologika (Part II)

A smaller team of young and hardworking people went on Sunday, February 28, in Basta Ekologiku on Mareza to finish planting the remaining 500 grapes of pedunculate oak for the needs of the Montenegrin Society of Ecologists, and the rest of the conifers for planting on the coast. With that, we have finished planting the cranberries that we planned for 2021. Thank you Aca and Basti Ekologica once again for the education, invitation and hospitality. Soon together in new green activities.

This work action was organized within the program “Nature for the physical and mental health of young people” and was funded by the European endowment for democracy.
#NVONasaakcija #NGOOuraction #EuropeanEndowmentForDemocracy #Natureyouth #Youthmentalhealth


Support for the construction of a greenhouse in Berane #novamoba

For the second time, our young members had the opportunity to support the Nova Moba project implemented by the NGO Paradigm through the US Embassy. This time we headed to Berane, where we helped build a greenhouse and plant towers. More and more young people are being trained through such projects on how to build, use tools, create and plant with their own hands. Through the program “Nature for the physical and mental health of young people” funded by the European endowment for democracy, we join such and similar projects that are of social importance.
#NVONasaakcija #NGOOuraction #novamoba #NVOParadigma #Berane #Europeanendowmentfordemocracy
