Workshop on the organization of volunteer events

On Monday, July 28, volunteers of the NGO Our action, respecting the limitations of covid measures, filled the hall and took part in a workshop on the organization of volunteer events in the community. The workshop was organized by the Secretariat for Culture, Sports and Social Activities of the Municipality of Kotor in cooperation with the Youth Council, and the lecturer was Tomislav Zegura, a longtime youth worker and activist.

Round table: “The role and importance of non-formal education”

The Secretariat for Culture, Sports and Social Activities of the Municipality of Kotor, through the Youth Council, organized a round table: “The role and importance of non-formal education”. The lecturer is a long-time youth worker and a favorite among young people, Tomislav Zegura. Our members took an active part in this workshop and are always happy to respond to extracurricular educational activities.

Round table: “Cultural potential and tradition – benefits for young people and the municipality of Kotor”

As part of the #MapofCutluralRouts project, young members and the director of the NGO Nasa akcija participated in a round table on “Cultural potential and tradition – benefits for young people and the municipality of Kotor.” The participants agreed that it is necessary to increase the involvement of young people, to acquaint them with the services provided by the municipality of Kotor to young people, and thus raise awareness and involvement of young people in our city.

Studying abroad – winter consultations

While NGO Our action is waiting for the implementation of the local Kotor youth strategy 2020-2021 we started with the implementation of measure B3 of the action plan for the youth of Kotor.

We started the year with a winter consultation workshop regarding studying abroad that was held by the representative of the Organisation of Montenegrins Studying Abroad, Dimitrije Jovicevic. Dimitrije talked to youth about mobility and studying abroad, available stipends for Montenegro citizens, procedures and deadlines for application, the process of application and much more. There was of course Q&A time for young people to ask about details that interested them regarding studying abroad.

We invite all young people in the Boka bay to follow our facebook page or the page Info centar za mlade Kotor for more educational and other possibilities.


#omsa #zimskekonsultacije #NVONasaakcija #youthmobility #KotorLPAM20202021 #centarNVOKotor

CV and motivation letter writing workshop

January 16th our first workshop regarding the education on how to write a CV and motivation letter was held in order to prepare young people for project, stipend, university and job application processes. In the Youth center in Podgorica young people from Danilovgrad and Podgorica worked on their documents and had an opportunity to ask question on their further career development. This workshop is a continuance on our years of educating youth outside of the school system for a better and more successful future.