The last of the workshops for children for the Kotor theather childrens festival

The last of the workshops for the children volunteer club as part of the 27th Kotor festival for children was held on the 12th of jun, and was dedicated to the protection of the sea from pollution. Children participated in the Havaiian water ceremony for the protection of the sea, wrote messages onto leaves and let them into the water. Some of the messages “Stop polluting”, “Stop plastic in the sea”, “The sea is our life”, decorated many leaves and showed the hopes of children for a plastic free ocean. After the ceremony the children visited the Dragon spitting plastic installation with the youth educators from NGO Our action. This educational activity was part of the project “Youth for a clean Adriatic” financed by Beyond plastic Med and the foundation of Prince Albert II of Monaco.
#kfpd #kfpd_2019 #kotor #festival #theatre #children #montenegro #bokabay #BeMed #BeMedMontenegro #YouthforacleanAdriatic #MladizacistJadran #NVONasaAkcija #NGOOurAction #Breakfreefromplastic #TrashtagMontenegro #OcistiME #ZeroWasteMontenegro Beyond Plastic Med – BeMed