Weekend youth work in Kotor and Podgorica

Last weekend, young members of the NGO Our action spent time working and helping in Kotor and Podgorica. On Saturday, February 6, we were in charge of removing the lighting from the citadel and bridges, as well as the hotel balconies, and then analyzing the condition of the floodlights on the ramparts. The action was realized in cooperation with the Directorate for Development and Construction of Kotor. On Sunday, February 7, we went to Basta Ekologika on Mareza in Podgorica to lend a hand to the NGO Paradigma in the realization of the project “Nova moba”. Soil and fertilizer have been prepared for new towers for vegetables and greenhouses that will be set up in many cities in Montenegro. Such activities in nature and assistance in local communities of the NGO Our action are realized through the program “Nature for the physical and mental health of young people” under the auspices of the European endowment of democracy. #NVONasaakcija #NGOOuraction #EuropeanEndowmentForDemocracy #Natureyouth #Youthmentalhealth